Julie's Jukes: A much needed break - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Julie's Jukes: A much needed break

Julie's Jukes: A much needed break

Julie Newell

By Julie Newell
Editor in Chief

The countdown to the end of the semester has begun! We have two weeks left of the spring semester and I can’t wait.

This spring semester has been the most stressful and overwhelming period of time that I have ever experienced in my whole life.

I’ve got to be honest, I have had multiple stress burnouts and breakdowns this semester.

I am so glad that the semester is almost over, and I am just praying I pass all my classes.

My plans for this summer include taking two classes, working and taking some time to give myself a much-needed break.

I have been running on empty all semester and I have no idea how I have made it this far.

I plan to make sure I put in some “me time” to focus on my mental and physical health, since I have been neglecting those things all semester.

To start off my summer break, my mom, sister and I have planned a girls’ trip to Tennessee. My sister’s friend is getting married in Tennessee and we decided to take advantage of the situation and spend a whole week there.

We rented an Airbnb and plan to spend the week relaxing and sightseeing. We even plan to have a spa day.

When that vacation is over, I plan on doing a full, deep cleaning of my apartment. My apartment reflects how chaotic this semester has been for me, and desperately needs to be cleaned.

I also want to make sure I spend more time with my family, boyfriend and friends this summer.

After that I don’t have any specific plans, but I am going to put my health first and make sure I don’t overexert myself.

What plans do you have for the summer?



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