Kelly's Korner: Creative writing shared - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Kelly's Korner: Creative writing shared

Juanita Kelly-Hill

Juanita Kelly-Hill

By Juanita Kelly-Hill
Staff Writer 

Creative writing is one of the greatest branches of writing. It can be anything from a poem to a short story to a novel.

The creativity is endless, and there are generally no rules when it comes to creativity. 

Creative writing can be beautiful, heartwarming, scary, sad, funny, mysterious and even exciting.

It is where we make our feelings, thoughts and imagination come to life. And the best part is, there are no wrong answers in creative writing.

As a creative writing major, I want to further my career and focus on the concentration of screenwriting. 

I would love to share one of the many pieces that I’ve written and shared with the student body and hopefully one day, the world.

Though I cannot share a script, I’d like to present a flash fiction piece I created titled, “If You Aren’t Expecting Company.”

There was a faint knock on the front door of the house. She put down her glass to see who could possibly be visiting her at this hour. 

When she opened the door she saw nothing but the street lights that lit up the small section of the street. She felt a cold gust of wind and closed the door. Odd, she thought, since it was the middle of July and the nights were usually warmer. 

She shook it off and returned to her wine and nightly entertainment show, enjoying her lazy weekend on the couch.

BREAKING NEWS! flashed across her television causing her to sit up. There was a news anchor reporting that mysterious deaths have been occurring in the small town tonight, and no one knows why. 

Shortly, the power went out, turning the dimly lit home pitch black. As she let out a scream she was snatched off the couch by her legs, being dragged to the basement of her home. 

Never open the door if you aren’t expecting company.



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