Jonah's Jabs: Top memories of 2022-23 - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Jonah's Jabs: Top memories of 2022-23


Jonah Unger

By Jonah Unger
Staff Writer

With the spring semester coming to an end, my first year of college is wrapping up. Regardless of all the stressful nights I have had in the past six months, there have also been a lot of memorable moments. 

While I was deciding on what my last column would be for this semester, I decided it would be fitting to do a list of my top three most memorable moments over the past two semesters. 

Honorable mention: My New York trip. This trip was an absolutely amazing time. That being said, I have already written a column about that trip. I do not feel that it is worthy of making this list, because it already earned a column of its own. 

Number three: Going to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan over spring break. Most people prefer to go to the U.P. during the summer, when the weather is nice and the trees aren't covered in snow. Unfortunately, spring break this year for LCC landed during a time where it was still snowing in Michigan.

With nothing to do, limited funds, as well as limited survival skills, a friend and I decided to take a trip to Tahquamenon Falls in the U.P. It was freezing cold, and we had to sleep in the car. That being said, it was a very thrilling and exciting time for us and I am glad I did it. 

Number two: DoorDashing late at night in Lansing. Being a broke college student, I had to come up with a side hustle during my time living in Lansing. That side hustle just so happened to be DoorDash.

When I first moved to Lansing I was very unfamiliar with the area. That changed quickly after a few days of delivering food. That job took me all over Lansing, and there were some really peaceful moments of driving in downtown Lansing at night with music playing. I did not, however, enjoy driving in East Lansing, for that was very stressful. 

Number one: Getting hired as a staff writer for The Lookout. I was extremely excited when I got hired as a staff writer. This job has taken me to a lot of different places, and has caused me to build some interesting connections in the process.

Working at The Lookout has pushed me to try new things and step out of my comfort zone. Along with working with an amazing group of co-workers, I have a boss who has taught me a lot about what it takes to be a good writer, and is always pushing me to be better.
These are my most memorable moments in the past two semesters. I hope everyone has a great summer. 



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