'Historians' offer movie, 'The Sandlot' - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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'Historians' offer movie, 'The Sandlot'

The Sandlot

Jonah Unger

By Jonah Unger
Staff Writer

“The Sandlot'' will be playing via WebEx at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan 17. There will be a live discussion led by LCC History Professor Wade Merrill and featuring LCC Baseball Coach Steven Cutter. 

The viewing event is part of the “Historians at the Movies” a monthly film discussion held on the second or third Tuesday of every month. The event is hosted by Merrill, with various co-hosts including LCC faculty members.

Coach Cutter said he is excited to participate in the viewing of “The Sandlot.”

“Everyone views it together with the chat open for those who want to comment throughout,” Cutter said. “This is a great way to view a legendary movie online while participating in discussions with others, including host Wade Merrill and myself.”

Cutter has coached multiple baseball teams over the past 10 years. He is currently the LCC assistant athletic director as well as head baseball coach.

Cutter will offer insight from the perspective of someone heavily involved in baseball. 

The movie is about a kid named Scottie Smalls, who is making new friends after moving into a new neighborhood. The friends all bond over the sport of baseball, and consistently play at the sandlot as they go through various funny adventures. 

“’The Sandlot’ is certainly a legend when it comes to baseball movies,” Cutter said. “It tells a story about times that people often think have gone by, with how the game has changed and what children do most these days. However, if you take some time to look around, you can still find the great game of baseball being played in sandlots across the country.”

Further information can be found here. Contact Wade Merrill at merrilw1@star.lcc.edu or (517) 483-1018.



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