Global Fest focuses on world struggles - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Global Fest focuses on world struggles

Globe of flags

Mallory Stiles

By Mallory Stiles
Associate Editor

If you have some spare time Wednesday, March 29, head to room 2214 in the Gannon Building to be a part of LCC’s Global Fest. The event is an educational seminar focused on the struggles faced by refugees across the world.

The event will be held from 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. It will begin with presentations by Felipe Lopez Sustaita of LCC, who will talk about the immigrant experience; Diane Peterson of LCC, who will talk about global food insecurity; and Erika Brown-Binion of Lansing’s Refugee Development Center, who will represent her organization and display an exhibit.

“We are a private non-profit organization that works with refugees, immigrants or any new-comer after they arrive in Lansing and help support their journey to learn English and get acclimated to their community and really build roots here,” Brown-Binion said.

“(I am) a guest speaker that is not only bringing the exhibit to share these stories, but also share about how refugees and immigrants make their way to our community and kind of look at the global to local perspective of welcoming refugees.”

She also referenced a book that is central to the organization. It will be available with a donation of $25 or more.

“A group of organizations like ours came together with several writers and photographers,” Brown-Binion said, “to tell the stories of refugee and immigrant families who have resettled in Lansing and learn about what their life has been like and how they see Lansing after living here for some time.

“It tells the story of 12 refugee families who have built roots in Lansing, many of them have gone on to become business owners and teachers and artists and what not.”

Brown-Binion also expressed gratitude for having such a wonderful partner in LCC.

“They have really contributed to that welcoming work,” she said. “There are so many people involved in making a welcoming space. It’s not just an organization like ours, it takes a whole community to welcome and we are proud to be a part of a community that embraces that.”

So, if you are interested in learning about the community’s effort to embrace the newcomers, share in the life journeys of others or just learn something new, check out this event.



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