Game review: 'God of War Ragnarok' - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Game review: 'God of War Ragnarok'


"God of War Ragnarok' is a sequel to the award-winning PlayStation exclusive “God of War.”  Image from Santa Monica Studio

Michael Leek

Five out of Five Stars

By Michael Leek
Sports Editor

Action, storytelling, an immersive open world and so much more. “God of War Ragnarok” has it all, and it might be the best video game I have ever played.

“God of War Ragnarok” was released Nov. 9, 2022, and is the sequel to the award-winning PlayStation exclusive “God of War.”

It follows the story of Kratos and his son Atreus as they prepare to survive Fimbulwinter and stop Ragnarok following the events of the first game.

The highlight of this game is not the gameplay, but rather the storyline. The way the game designers introduce new characters is incredible, with each character having an impact on the story.

The developers at Santa Monica Studio did a great job of allowing gamers to build personal connections with the characters, and capitalized on that with several well-executed emotional moments.

The development that characters in the game undergo is well written and helps tie the story together.

Even though the story was my favorite aspect of the game, it does not necessarily mean the gameplay was lacking in any way. The gameplay mechanics are simple and follows the same principles as the former “God of War” games: a heavy attack button, light attack, dodge and block. But there is much more added as the story progresses. Switching between Kratos and Atreus, players may have to play differently, using Atreus’s arrows and with Kratos being more of a close-range fighter.

The combat is a hack-and-slash style, which can be mindless at times pressing the same buttons. However, allowing additional upgrades for different characters keeps the gameplay fresh.

The graphics in this game are near perfect. I have no complaints while using the PlayStation 5 console. The graphics emphasize and complement the setting of the game so well, that sometimes it feels like you are watching a movie.

The game was pleasing throughout my experience. There is never a dull moment and it left me wanting more in the end.

“God of War Ragnarok” is priced between $55 and $70. If you are a fan of action games or the “God of War” series itself, you will unquestionably enjoy this game.



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