Finals Frenzy helps students destress - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Finals Frenzy helps students destress

Finals Frenzy

Library Communications Specialist Abby Tebeau (left) and Reference and Instruction Librarian Caitlyn Stypa were among the planners and workers for Finals Frenzy.  Photo by Mallory Stiles.

Mallory Stiles

By Mallory Stiles
Editor in Chief

Thanks to “Finals Frenzy” week, LCC became a carnival of relaxation and calm during the week of April 27. The festivities run through May 6 for anyone who is interested.

Spread between the TLC and Gannon buildings, LCC has a DIY photobooth, coloring stations, board and card games, free study supplies, graduation cap decorating, puzzles, snacks and more.

LCC Academic Success Coach Zach Kowalski brought a piece of the Broad Art Museum from Michigan State University to LCC with a Zen doodle station outside of the Academic Advising Office. He called it an exercise in mindfulness.

“They had something that looked a little different, but that’s where I got my inspiration from,” Kowalski said.

zen doodlesPictured is the Zen doodle station outside of the Academic Advising Office, whch was one of the many Finals Frenzy attractions for students during the week of April 27.  Photo by Mallory Stiles

Throughout the week, there was also a table complete with snacks, free backpacks and supplies outside of the Center for Student Support. LCC student Siylais Lewis said LCC’s efforts were impressive, and grabbed a snack or two while waiting in line for assistance.

 “It’s pretty cool,” Lewis said. “It provides a more communitive atmosphere. It makes everyone feel comfortable. My favorite part is the snacks.”

frenzied peopleStarZone student employee Gia Morelli and student Siylais Lewis show some of the school supplies offered during Spring 2024 Finals Frenzy at LCC.  Photo by Mallory Stiles

The TLC library also hosted several attractions, including a yogurt, oatmeal and trail mix bar.

Library Communications Specialist Abby Tebeau said it was all a part of a master plan to leave students feeling a bit more energized and ready for finals.

“The focus of our mission is to provide stress relieving activities and brain food to get your mind off of such a stressful time,” Tebeau said.

She also said she was happy to see so many faces.

“We didn’t keep count, but we did run out of yogurt, and I bought approximately 140 individual cups,” Tebeau said.

Reference and Instruction Librarian Caitlyn Stypa also helped plan this week’s events and said she was shocked by the level of student involvement.

“I was so happy to see the students enjoying the yogurt, oatmeal and trail mix treats,” Stypa said. “They were more enthusiastic about the yogurt than I expected. Some students came back day after day to keep taking advantage of it.

“That was really nice. We are happy to have students here at the library, enjoying the fun stuff just as much as the educational stuff.”


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