Editorial: Do not overturn Roe v. Wade - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Editorial: Do not overturn Roe v. Wade

Editorial: Do not overturn Roe V. Wade

The Lookout Staff

From The Lookout Staff

As many people have heard, the U.S. Supreme Court’s infamous upcoming ruling will be to relook at Roe v. Wade.

This previous landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 protected a woman’s liberty to choose whether to have an abortion or not. Recently, a leak of the initial draft written by Justice Samuel Alito revealed that the U.S. Supreme Court is planning to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Overturning Roe v. Wade will effect a woman’s autonomous right to receive an abortion, whether for medical, physical or personal reasons. This decision could result in countless at-home procedures, an influx of children in the already-full foster care system and unwanted pregnancies.

The U.S. seems divided about this decision. Many people are angered because the U.S. is taking away a woman’s autonomy. Others are happy that abortions will no longer be a sanctioned medical practice in the U.S.

The Lookout is horrified by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision. We believe that outlawing abortions will not benefit anyone, and may even force women to have unsterilized, unsafe procedures leading to fatal and serious injuries (as was the case before Roe v. Wade).

Although we believe abortion is not a means of “birth control,” it is an entirely necessary procedure and not the government’s decision to make for any woman. We sincerely hope that the U.S. Supreme Court will change its mind before its final vote.



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