Editorial: Teen crimes heartbreaking - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Editorial: Teen crimes heartbreaking

The Lookout Staff

From The Lookout Staff

While we are all pretty used to a decent amount of crime in our area, The Lookout feels it has gotten unlivable lately.

Most recently, “Vintage Junkies” and “Deadtime Stories: True Crime and Other Books,” both located in the REO Town district, were robbed by teenagers.

There was reportedly over $2,000 worth of merchandise stolen. The teens were caught on camera committing the crimes. However they weren’t identified until their pictures were published and an official from a local school was able to help identify them.

The investigation is still ongoing and there have been no arraignments as of this writing.

The Lookout staff thinks this situation is simply heartbreaking.

These are locally-owned businesses that carry a spirit of community, enriching some of Lansing’s most vulnerable real estate. Stealing from them is stealing from the entire community.

To make matters worse, much of the merchandise stolen was stuff being sold on consignment for even SMALLER businesses. This was stealing from independent artists and entrepreneurs who are just trying to feed their families.

The Lookout understands this is a seemingly petty crime, but it is so important to remember who is being hurt and who is doing the hurting.

These were kids! It can only be assumed we are seeing events like this go on because there is a learned helplessness amongst the coming graduating classes.

Everyone can relate to wanting a little pocket cash, but what it does say about our society in general that this is what our kids are willing to do for it?



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