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Student Affairs strives to aid students

Student Affairs strives to assist students

Jacob Zokvic

By Jacob Zokvic
Staff Writer

Dean of Student Affairs Ronda Miller recently spoke to The Lookout about what is available to students at LCC.

Miller said Student Affairs personnel are working through the challenges of the pandemic to make sure all of the services they offer are still available to students.

“The world has changed and so have we,” Miller said. “We are working to make sure that change does not derail us from our mission.”

Miller revealed that the LCC Success Coaches are going to hold workshops again. This will include some academic workshops, including resume writing, as well as community workshops to help people make friends.

“I would encourage students to pay attention to student communications, like their email and signage around the campus, and take part in what is offered,” Miller said.

Miller wanted to remind students that counseling is also available.

“Right now, mental health is a huge need, not just in institutions but across the country,” Miler said. “The need for mental health has been elevated by the pandemic, but we have always had counseling.”

Counseling at LCC is totally free and entirely confidential.

Miller also suggested students make use of the tutoring available in the Learning Commons.

“I would encourage students to go and use the library because there are still library services available in the building,” Miller said. “Don’t relegate yourself to the building your class is in.”

The Career and Employment Services were recommended by Miller to help students figure out what to do next.

“Career and Employment Services, our Advising team and our Success Coach team can help you pinpoint where you want to go and get you on that pathway,” Miller said. “We also have career workshops, like interview practice, that continued remotely during the pandemic.”

Miller recommended students check out the Cesar Chavez Learning Center for the wide variety of services it offers.  

The reach of Student Affairs extends beyond main campus, Miller said.

“I don’t want any student who doesn’t attend main (campus) to think they aren’t offered the same opportunities,” Miler said. “Workshops will take place at every location and the support services are available at every campus.”

Miller finished by reiterating the fact that student services is here to help students.

“My role as dean of Student Affairs is to make sure that that our students feel supported and can be connected,” Miller said. “I want to be bothered, I want to know how you’re doing and I want to know how I can help.”

A full list with links for what Student Affairs has to offer can be found on their LCC web page here.



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