Construction Club helps build futures - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Construction Club helps build futures

Construction Club logo

Juanita Kelly-Hill

By Juanita Kelly-Hill
Staff Writer

The Construction Club at Lansing Community College helps build and enhance construction related knowledge and skills to prepare students for their future careers. 

The club plans to accomplish its mission by hosting networking events and providing volunteer opportunities, according to Club Adviser Scott DeRuischer.

“It has created connections between students of different program areas, as well as strengthened student connections within the same programs,” DeRuischer said.

“The club has also provided students with job opportunities and industry connections,”

The club is welcome to all LCC students. Meetings are held bi-weekly on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. on west campus in room E141. The next planned meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 15.

Club Vice President Che Pollack said the Construction Club highly values the pursuit of career seeking, and encourages career and personal development.

Past and upcoming events are dedicated to hands-on training, in which members can participate in building projects, even if they don’t have experience in construction. 

“At the moment we are planning on assisting a local home improvement company with their display for the home builders show in the spring,” Pollack explained. “This will give members a chance to learn home design and build different components.

“We are also hosting a reverse job fair for students, where they sit at a table and potential employers seek out potential employees.”

Pollack recommended the club to any student who has even the smallest interest in construction trades and enjoys hands-on projects. 

For more information regarding the Construction Club, contact Club Adviser Scott DeRuischer at


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