LCC musicians team up for free show
By Chloe Gregg
Editor in Chief
The LCC Concert Choir and the Vocal Jazz and Pop Ensemble are performing a free show at the Okemos Community Church on Sunday, May 7 from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
The Okemos Community Church is located at 4734 Okemos Road in Okemos.
“This one is unique because we’re bringing back vocal jazz and pop,” said Jonathan Ten Brink, the director of the LCC Choir Concert. “It’s been years since that ensemble has performed for LCC, and it’s great to have it back.
“We’re (also) repeating ‘The Lighthouse’ that we recorded for MSU following the tragedy this semester. This semester has been SO interrupted. That’s really affected our students, and our rehearsal process. And the students have done a terrific job of managing through that challenge.”
Ten Brink said the theme of the concert is one that is much needed right now, and revealed that for the most part, the music will be all in the realm of classical and choral literature.
“And, we’re partnering with the Vocal Jazz and Pop Ensemble, which will gives us even more contemporary takes on vocal music, including some rap,” Ten Brink said, for those who might not like traditional classical music.
The LCC Concert Choir started around the inception of the LCC Music Program decades ago and anyone is welcome to join. For those interested, there is a for-credit class or a zero-credit class that they can join to be a part of the choir. The zero-credit class is significantly cheaper.
“We have students from a variety of majors, and community members as well,” Ten Brink said, “some with a lot of choral experience, some who have never sung before. Some people don’t know how to read music and only sing by ear, and some are sight-reading savants. And (we have) everyone in between. Truly, everyone can find a place.”
For those looking for more information, visit the Performing Arts Events website here.