Board Game Club offers fun for all - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Board Game Club offers fun for all

Board Game Club

LCC Board Game Club members Barbie Staley and Jeremy Breton hold a couple of the games that participants enjoy playing.  Photo by Juanita Kelly-Hill

Juanita Kelly-Hill

By Juanita Kelly-Hill
Staff Writer

The Board Game Club at Lansing Community College is back this semester, hosting bi-weekly meetings on Friday in the Gannon Commons.

Last semester, the group had a special event celebrating the end of semester called “Gaming with Coaches.” Participants enjoyed pizza, pop and a variety of games, according to Club Adviser Matt Lemon.

“The ‘Gaming with Coaches’ event was the only big event we had for last semester,” Lemon said. “We were really pleased. It was our most well-attended event of the semester, and everyone seemed to have a really good time.”

The club also hosts bi-weekly gaming events when they meet every other Friday. The meetings are open to all LCC students.

Club President Barbie Staley said her favorite activity so far has also been the “Gaming with Coaches” event.

“We had a lot of fun and we weren’t expecting such a great turnout,” Staley said. “A lot of people came out to play games and eat, and it was nice to serve as sort of a de-stresser for those end-of-semester jitters.”

Staley said she looks forward to the next “Gaming with Coaches” event, which is intended to be held on April, 28, though the details are still being worked out.

The club is open to any suggestions on events that students or members would like to participate in next. 

Staley invited any students who love board games, or who are just looking for a place to hang out and have fun outside of class, to attend one of the meetings. The next meeting will be held on Friday, Feb. 24 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Gannon Commons.

For more information regarding the Board Game Club, contact Club Adviser Matt Lemon at



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