Athlete Spotlight: hoopster Jay Wallace - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Athlete Spotlight: hoopster Jay Wallace

Jay Wallace

Jay Wallace is a sophomore guard for the LCC men's basketball team.  Photo by Kaitlyn Delaney

Kaitlyn Delaney

The Lookout Photo Editor Kaitlyn Delaney recently interviewed LCC basketball player Jay Wallace. A graduate of Williamston High School, Wallace is currently a sophomore at LCC.

When did you start playing basketball?
“Probably when I was around 4 or 5 years old. Basically my whole life, but I took it serious around 4 or 5.”

What is your favorite thing about basketball?
“That’s tough. My favorite thing about basketball really, is still being able to play it, honestly. Being at the age I’m at now, a lot a people still don’t get the opportunity to play. It’s really a children’s game and you get to play it and do it every day. So to still play it at a decent level, that’s what I would definitely say is my favorite.”

Who is someone who inspires you, in the sport or out of it?
“I would say probably my dad. He passed a few years ago, but he definitely has always inspired me, especially with my work ethic and getting better. I wouldn’t be who I am as a player or a person without him.”

Is there one piece of advice you’ve been given that sticks with you?
“Comparison is the thief of joy. For sure that one. I’ve fallen victim to that a lot, definitely, in my younger years. Just comparing myself to other people as a basketball player, and how good I am. And applying that has helped a lot.”

Do you have any game-day routines?
“Usually, I take a nap before the game. And then I eat a turkey sandwich, drive to the game. Those are the things I do every time, it’s the same. I also have my dad’s pendant, full of his ashes. I put that in a certain place every time in my bag, and I squeeze that a few times before I put my uniform on.”

Do you have any personal or team goals for the rest of the season?
“I would say, we’re definitely going to win our conference. After we won our game last night (Jan. 10), we’re 9-5 now. Saturday’s our first true conference game. I would definitely say win our conference, and try to make it to nationals.”

Why did you choose LCC?
“To be home, honestly. I’m from Lansing, I went to Williamston. It’s about a 15-minute drive from where I grew up. I knew I still wanted to play, and it just felt really good to come back home and play where I grew up.”

What are your plans after LCC?
“Honestly, at the moment I really don’t know. My major is pre-med and I plan to stick with that. Really, I’d like to finish my last two years of undergrad playing basketball before I go to medical school. Really, I’d just like to play somewhere it’s a good balance of academics and athletics. If I can find that, then that’s really what I’d want to do.”



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