Piece of Mind: Finding liminal spaces - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Piece of Mind: Finding liminal spaces

Alexandra mug

The Lookout Staff Writer Alexandra McCluskey

Alexandra McCluskey

By Alexandra McCluskey
Staff Writer

Empty hallways, an abandoned mall near closing hour. These are examples of liminal spaces; places that are normally associated with bustling crowds and public spaces.

A place such as a parking lot, nearly empty and dark, invokes an eerie feeling to most. Places like these give off a forlorn atmosphere, rightly freaking most people out.

Not me, oddly. Being alone in a wide empty building is almost freeing. Granted I’m not a fan of the dark, but walking around the mall as everyone is closing up shop is a unique experience.

I had no idea there was a name for it, let alone that it bothers a great many people. To me, the absence of noise aside for my own echoing footfalls is comforting.

The calming effects liminal spaces have on individuals can be linked back to a transition in life. An empty mall acknowledges that nothing is permanent and we are all in a state of transition; the world is dragging us along.

That may not seem very comforting, but the experience itself is much more than that. In a main city like ours, it is a relief to me to take a step back for some peace and quiet.

I come from a small farming town, so Lansing is a big change. The discovery of liminal spaces is a wonderful one; something that can calm my scattered brain and cramped lungs.

Liminal spaces may not be for you, but if you find even the slightest allure or spark to the idea, definitely give it a try. Alone time with your own brain can be nice if you embrace it.



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