Academic Senate Motion #2425D

Motion presenter

Senator Megan Lin

Dates of Faculty Senate discussion

November 1, 2024


Whereas, Open Educational Resources (OER) support student success by providing free and readily available educational materials to students; and Whereas, the Center for Teaching Excellence Open Learning Specialist positions plays an essential role in supporting all aspects of open learning, including OER development and adoption; and Whereas, the Academic Senate has played a key role in supporting OER and open learning development at Lansing Community College.

Original Motion

Be it Resolved, that the Academic Senate strongly encourages Executive Leadership to ensure the continued success of the Open Learning program by funding the CTE Open Learning Specialist position.

Senate Action

Approved as Voted.

Senate President’s signature

[signed by Academic Senate President Nothnagel]


Forwarded to the following on January 21, 2025:

  • Provost Sally Welch



Contact the Provost

Administrative Building at LCC

Administration Bldg, Room 301

Sally Welch
Phone: (517) 483-1725

Laura Medina
Executive Assistant to the Provost
Phone: (517) 483-1725
Fax: (517) 483-1845
